Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Lowongan kerja ACCOUNTING di Jakarta




1. Female max. 28 years
2. D3 / S1 accounting Graduated from Secretarial (Aksek "LPK" Tarakanita will be preferable) education or other Degree with Secretarial Diploma course with Min. IPK 3.0
3. Fresh graduates are encouraged to apply
4. Full timer, willing to work under pressure, long hours & weekends/public holiday.
5. Able to work with team and willing to work hard
6. Taking high responsibilities of the company
7. Min education: Bachelor degree from any major
8. Experience in the related field at least 2 years would be an advantage
9. Excellent in English (written and communication skills)
10. Excellent knowledge of internet
11. Presentable Appearance.
12. Expert in MS Office (Word, Excel, Visio, PowerPoint)
13. Smart, decent, talented, honest, less of talk and more of work.

If you meet the qualifications on above, please send your CV with recent photograph ASAP to :

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